NPC TikTok some love it, some hate it, some are rich from it
All of the sudden...
TikTok is flooded with real life NPC characters.
Maybe weve been playing the wrong games all along, if only we'd known this whole time, we could talk to real NPCs in real life.
And all you have to do is tip TikTokers like Pinkydoll to do a real life videogame interaction without the glitches. lookin at you Diablo 4.
Now obviously some people are loving this. just look at all of the fans tipping these walking video game characters with all kinds of 'gifts' that they give out in plenty.
But i dont think that we would have all heard about this without the massive reaction to this that the internet decided to have in between other mental breakdowns that the internet loves to have from time to time. that really put it into the limelight! Im going to go out on a limb here and guess that most of us humans are on the side of what the heck is going on here!?
But most of all I think we've all been doing the whole job thing wrong this whole time because you know what???
The self aware NPC's are RAKING IT IN!
According to the Guardian theyre clearing thousands of dollars A DAY just doing what they used to do before they escaped the video game prison they were in.
$7,000 a day for five catchphrases: the TikTokers pretending to be ‘non-playable characters’
This begs the question.
Who is really the stupid one here? if you were told a few weeks ago that you could pay your rent for the next year after a few days of pretending to be in a video game you would wonder what the world is comming to.
its come to this.
Ice cream yum!
Yeehaw you make me feel like a cow girl!
Brrrrrr Brrrrrr!
Gang Gang! Gang Gang! Gang Gang! Gang Gang! Gang Gang!
and many more hits!
lets see where it goes from here?
At this rate the NPC's are gonna be rich enough to tip us. Maybe thats the next big TikTok trend.
Being paid by NPCs to be human
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