the ubiquitous vampire
Vampires am I right?
You love em you hate em
cant live with em cant live without em
Vampires just might me the ultimate horror character that can be used in so many different ways, for so many different things.
when you think about it, they just might be the most used type of horror character out there.
maybe its the relatable look to them, they look like us, at least usually
they can be beautiful, even sexy, there is a romance element that you dont see in other characters
and then of course theres the bloodthirsty creature that stalks the night
all of that leads to a scary but also interesting archetype that you want to see more of. and thats exactly what vampires have been doing for the last 100 years since Bram Stoker wrote his famous novel in 1897.
so what have vampires been doing since then?
well they can be found in movies
they can be found in comix
theyre in video games
and they even come in cute little toys
heres to the adorable little bloodsuckers out there.
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